Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tyler Cole
-Causing someone to sleep or feel tired.
-(Syn) sedative, somnolent, soothing.
- The new pills Jill got made her feel drowsy and soporific.
-To be misleading to make a false impression.
-(Syn) belie, put on, shuffle
-I prevaricated to my parents to make them think I was doing my homework.
-Someone who has been blamed for something.
-(Syn) Amiss, unholy, ignoble
-The boy was reprehensible for his actions and paid for them. (dog fighting is reprehensible)
-Feeling sorry for something that has been done wrong, or was the wrong thing to do.
-(Syn) Abject, rueful, sorry
-The boy was penitent for what he did at school the other day.
-Greedy, taking for ones own satisfaction.
-(Syn) predatory, ravening, preying-The rapacious man stole from the market to feed himself for dinner that night.
Tommy S's vocab, 11/29
POS: adjective
Description: to become sleepy, or sleepy in nature
Related Words: dull, dreary, and un-stimulating
Sentence: The pill made me become soporific.
POS: Verb
Description: to lead away from the truth
Related Words: put off, avoid, and elude
Sentence: By lying I was also prevaricating
POS: Adjective
Description: owed, or admirable
Related Words: admirable, worthy, and commendable
Sentence: A man who sticks to his morals is reprehensible.
POS: Adjective
Description: convey humble or remorseful pain or grief for fault
Related Words: remorseful, repentant, apologetic
Sentence: He cried at the loss of his father and became penitent
Rapacious POS: adjective
Description: extremely selfish or jealous
Related Words: very hungry, rapacious, and money
Sentence: One who doesn’t share is very rapacious.
Marc's Vocab
1. Causing one to feel sleepy.
2. Adjective
3. drowsy-s, lethargic-s, alert-a
4. Picture -- >
5. The soporific effect of the sleeping pills left Alycia tired all day.
1. To tell a lie
2. Verb
3. belie-s, perjure-s, honest-a
4. Picture -- >
5. Kevin had to prevaricate, so he told his teacher that is dog ate his homework.
1. When a person is the “one to blame.”
2. Adjective
3. Blameworthy-s, reproachable-s, representative-e
4. Picture -- >
5. The reprehensible Kevin eventually got caught, and his dog was forgiven.
1. Feeling sorry for doing something wrong.
2. Adjective
3. Guilty-s, remorse-s, pity-s
4. Picture -- >
5. The penitent Kevin, came home, apologized to his dog, and gave it a treat.
1. Hungry! Killing and eating other animals.
2. Adjective
3. Appetite-s, predatory-s, full stomach-a
4. Picture -- >
5. The rapacious football team ate probably one-hundred pizzas.
Taylor's Vocab.
POS- Noun
Sentence- The doctor gave the patient a soporific before the surgery.
Related Words- Anesthetic (S), Tranquilizing (S), Opiate (S).
Prevaricate- To avoid the truth.
POS- Verb
Sentence- The witness tried to prevaricate when answering the questions.
Related Words- Dodge (S), Distort (S), Falsify (S).
Reprehensible- Deserving punishment or blame.
POS- Adjective
Sentence- The crimes that were committed were reprehensible.
Related Words- Condemnable (S), Unholy (S), Guilty (S).
Penitent- Embarrassed because of wrong doing.
POS- Adjective
Sentence- The womens husband was penitent when she found out he cheated on her.
Related Words- Regretful (S), Sorry (S), Sorrowful (S).
Rapacious- Taking savagely.
POS- Adjective
Sentence- The coyotes were rapacious when it came to the carcass.
Related Words- Murderous (S), Ferocious (S), Greedy (S)
Molly's Vocab
POS: adjective.
Related Words: atonement, conscience, guilty
Bethann's Vocab
Mrs. Schellenberg
World Lit 1, 1st
28 November 2007
POS: adjective
Description: to become sleepy, or sleepy in nature
Related Words: sleep-inducing, dull, and un-stimulating
Sentence: The pill was soporific in nature.
POS: Verb
Description: to lead away from the truth
Related Words: put off, beat around the bush, and evade
Sentence: In the Story of the fox and the crow, the fox prevaricate.
POS: Adjective
Description: owed, or admirable
Related Words: worthy, praiseworthy, and commendable
Sentence: The new puppy that has just learned to sit is reprehensible.
POS: Adjective
Description: convey humble or remorseful pain or grief for fault
Related Words: repentant, remorseful, regretful
Sentence: The jail bird was penitent in his wrong doings
POS: adjective
Description: extremely selfish or jealous
Related Words: ravenous, predatory, and greedy
Sentence: The girl had rapacious actions, for she was hungery.
Emily's Vocab
Description: something that makes you tired, like a sleep drug.
Related Words: narcotic (s), hypnotic (s), analgesic (s)
Sentence: The girl was recommended a soporific drug to help her sleep.
2) Prevaricate (verb)
Description: to deceive or lie.
Related Words: belie (s), distort (s), misrepresent (s)
Sentence: The salesman prevaricated me into thinking that his merchandise was worth the high price.
3) Reprehensible (adjective)
Description: deserving blame or shame.
Related Words: praiseworthy (a), condemnable (s), blameable (s)
Sentence: The boy felt reprehensible after cheating on a test.
4) Penitent (adjective)
Description: a feeling of shame for doing something wrong
Related Words: unashamed (a), remorseful (s), apologetic (s)
Sentence: The boy felt penitent after facing the consequences of his actions.
5) Rapacious (adjective)
Description: plundering or greedy
Related Words: savage (s), predatory (s), voracious (s)
Sentence: My rapacious brother ate all the dessert on Thanksgiving.
Paneral's Vocab
1. adjective
2. Causes sleepiness
3. The bed caused an odd but amazing soporific feelings so when you would lay down you would pass out.
4. sleepy, drowsy, balmy
1. verb
2. To speak falsely or misleadingly
3. Iago tried to prevaricate to Othello about his wife and Cassio's relationship.
4. evade, con, belie
1. adjective
2. Deserving of reproof
3. The students actions were reprehensible and completely uncalled for in a classroom.
4. bad, shameful, wicked
1. adjective
2. Feeling sorrow for wrongdoing
3. He knew his actions in high school were wrong, but it made him penitent and smarter for his future.
4. shamed, rueful, sorrowful
1. adjective
2. Satisfied by greed
3. The general fought with rapacious and ruthless intensity in battle, and spared no one.
4. savage, predatory, preying
Courtney R's vocab
- Description- Something that makes someone go to sleep
- POS- adjective
- Related Words- mesmerizing(s), drowsy(s), invigorating(m)
- Sentence- The soporific teacher could never keep my attention with the way she talked.
- Description- To say an incorrect thing.
- POS- verb
- Related Words- belie(s), misrepresent(s), honesty(m)
- Sentence- The little girl prevaricated to her mom about hitting her brother.
- Description- To deserve blame.
- POS- adjective
- Related Words- condemnable(s), blame-worthy(s), creditable(m)
- Sentence- The reprehensible suspect was put in jail for the crime.
- Description- Feeling sorry for something bad one did.
- POS- noun
- Related Words- repentant(s), sorrowful(s), unashamed(m)
- Sentence- The criminal was peninent once he realized the jury found him guilty.
- Description- Taking something by force.
- POS- adjective
- Related words- greedy(s), avaricious(s), generous(m)
- Sentence- The Rapacious Bully took the little kids candy.
Anthony's Vocab
POS: adjective
Sentence: His soporific powers began to take hold of us as he continued his sermon.
Related Words: Synonyms – Lethargic, drowsy, sleepy
Prevaricate- not to be true or stray away from something true
POS: intransitive verb
Sentence: He was prevaricating.
Related Words: Synonyms- Equivocate, lie, fib
Reprehensible- needing punishment or harsh criticism
POS: transitive verb
Sentence: What she did was reprehensible.
Related Words: Censure, etymology-Latin reprehendere, condemn
Penitent- showing humility or another apologetic emotion for a sin or wrong action
POS: adjective
Sentence: His reaction was penitent.
Related Words: Synonym- Repentant, regretful, sorrowful
Rapacious-exceedingly ravenous
POS: adjective
Sentence: The hippos ate rapaciously, they were hungry.
Related Words: Synonyms- Ravenous, insatiable, voracious
Brian Palazzolo Vocab Week 3
Causing sleep.
Synonyms- Calming, numbing, soothing.
The monotone lecture of my Mother was soporific to me.
To intentionally lie, mislead or decieve
Synonyms- Belie, Con, Palter.
The suspect prevaricated, attempting to evade trouble.
Synonyms- Blamable, culpable, delinquent.
The reprehensible dog coward before his pee on the ground.
Expressing or feeling remorse for wrongdoing.
Synonyms- Remorseful, abashed, contrite.
The man was always penitent after killing the person.
Likely to steal to satisfy greed. Ill gotten gain.
Synonyms- Avaricious, predetory, extortionate.
Crooks are very rapacious.
Lisa's Vocabulary
Definition- to cause sleep
POS- adjective
Synonyms- Hypnotic, heavy, monotonous
Sentence- The doctor gave Bethann a soporific pill, so that she would stop talking.
2) Prevaricate
Definition- to create a lie
POS- verb
Synonyms- belie, cavil, dodge
Sentence- As the child spoke the mother could tell it was just another prevaricate.
3) Reprehensible
Definition- deserving the blame
POS- adjective
Synonyms- guilty, culpable, liable
Sentence- The murder was reprehensible of his crime.
4) Penitent
Definition- feeling bad for doing something wrong
POS- Adjective
Synonyms- contrite, sorry, rueful
Sentence- The child felt penitent after ruining her moms dress.
5) Rapacious
Definition- extremely grasping or greedy
POS- adjective
Synonyms- greedy, grasping, ravenous
Sentence-Hannah is extremely rapacious, that’s why no one likes her.
Tori's Vocabulary
POS: Soporific is an adjective.
Description: Soporific is something that causes sleep.
Related Words: Anesthetic, balmy, calming(S)
Use in Sentence: The cough medicine was soporific and caused the driver to turn groggy.
POS: Prevaricate is a verb.
Description: Prevaricate means to speak falsely or misleading.
Related Words: belie, cavil, con(S)
Use in Sentence: She prevaricated me into buying the wrong kind of television for a more expensive price.
POS: Reprehensible is an adjective.
Description: Reprehensible means deserving of rebuke and blame.
Related Words: blamable, condemnable, errant (S)
use in Sentence: Cheating on a spouse is reprehensible for both man and woman.
POS: Penitent is an adjective.
Description: Penitent is feeling sorry for some wrong doing.
Related Words: atoning, attritional, rueful (S)
Use in Sentence: She felt penitent for stealing the bread.
POS: Rapacious is an adjective
Description: Rapacious means unusually greedy.
Related Words: Ravenous, grasping, avaricious (S)
Use in Sentence: She obtained a rapacious disposition on the topic of money.
Kyle S. Vocab
Drew Reinke's Vocab
Description: Causing or tending to cause sleep.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: TV is soporific for me.
Related Words: Hypnotic, Heavy, Relaxing (S)
Description: To Lie
Part of Speech: Verb
Sentence: Many athletes prevaricate about their home lives.
Related Words: Evade, Shift, Stall (S)
Description: Deserving to be blamed
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The robber was reprehensible after being caught on the camera.
Related Words: Guilty, To blame, at fault (S)
Description: Feeling regretful
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The driver was feeling penitent after driving through a red.
Related Words: Remorseful, Regretful, Rueful (S)
Description: Satisfaction of Greed
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: I am rapacious until I figured out it is not good for you.
Related Words: Greedy, Voracious, Ravenous (S)
Drew Reinke's Vocab
Description: Causing or tending to cause sleep.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: TV is soporific for me.
Related Words: Hypnotic, Heavy, Relaxing (S)
Description: To Lie
Part of Speech: Verb
Sentence: Many athletes prevaricate about their home lives.
Related Words: Evade, Shift, Stall (S)
Description: Deserving to be blamed
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The robber was reprehensible after being caught on the camera.
Related Words: Guilty, To blame, at fault (S)
Description: Feeling regretful
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The driver was feeling penitent after driving through a red.
Related Words: Remorseful, Regretful, Rueful (S)
Description: Satisfaction of Greed
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: I am rapacious until I figured out it is not good for you.
Related Words: Greedy, Voracious, Ravenous (S)
1.) causing sleep
3.) Balmy(syn), Dozy(syn), Dull(syn)
5.) I loathed the soporific movie.
1.)To lie
3.)Fib(syn), lie(syn), mislead(syn)
5.) I like to prevaricate to get out of trouble.
1.)Worthy of blame
3.) blamable(syn), Dirty(syn), Indictable(syn)
5.)The crime was reprehensible.
3.) abject(syn), contrite(syn), regretful(syn)
5.) The penitent criminal had a look of sadness in his demeanor.
1.) Plundering
2.) ADJ
3.)ferocious(syn), furious(syn), greedy(syn)
5.) The rapacious criminals robbed the little old lady.
Matt Jablonski's Vocab
Description- Something exhausting, causing 0r requiring sleep.
Part of speech- Adjective.
Sentence- The students all fell asleep, because the teacher's lesson was soporific.
Description- To not tell the truth; dishonest.
Part of speech- Intransitive verb.
Related words- Lie, fib, and obscure.
Sentence- The criminal prevaricated in attempt to escape the charges against him.
Description- To orally disprove of something.
Part of speech- Adjective.
Related words- Blameworthy, culpable, and objectionable.
Sentence- The jury was reprehensible of the toward the defendant.
Part of speech- Adjective.
Related words- Guilty, remorse, and contrite.
Sentence- Micheal Vick felt penitent for dog fighting, so he eventually confessed.
CJ Davis's Vocab
- Tends to cause sleeping.
- Adjective
- Synonyms- Calming, numbing, soothing.
- The professor’s soporific lessons often caused the students to not pay attention, even at the start of class.
- To purposely lie or mislead.
- Verb
- Synonyms- Belie, Con, Palter.
- Despite how well the thief prevaricated, he was eventually caught by the guards.
- Deserving to be rebuked.
- Adjective
- Synonyms- Blamable, culpable, delinquent.
- The reprehensible boy’s head was bowed in shame after she caught him throwing a baseball in the house.
- Feeling guilty and wanting to make up for the wrongdoing.
- Adjective
- Synonyms- Remorseful, rueful, sorrowful.
- Regal was a penitent man and wore the shackles ever after he was set free.
- Very likely to steal to satisfy greed.
- Adjective
- Synonyms- Avaricious, ferocious, ravenous.
- The pirate was very rapacious.
Brian Wilterink
A Berg V Cab
POS: adjective
Description: related to causing sleep or lethargy
Related Words (meaning): sleepy, dull, lazy
Sentence: The soporific man would not stop yawning.
POS: verb
Description: to no tell the truth on purpose
Related Words (meaning): to lie, to con, “stretch” the truth
Sentence: The Young boy loved to prevaricate in order to not get blamed.
POS: adjective
Description: worthy of or deserving blame
Related Words (meaning): guilty, objectionable, blameworthy
Sentence: The criminal was reprehensible for the crime of murdering the woman.
POS: adjective
Description: feeling sorrow for a wrong doing
Related Words (meaning): guilt, remorse, regret
Sentence: The penitent criminal sobbed, he was about to receive the lethal injection.
POS: adjective
Description: having a huge appetite
Related Words (meaning): hunger, voracious, greedy
Sentence: The rapacious grizzly bear ate the entire flock of geese, bones included.
Vocab week of 11 - 26 -2007
Description – Causes sleep; pertains to sleepiness or drowsiness
POS – Adj.
Picture –
Related Words – Anesthetic (synonym), tranquilizing (synonym), invigorating (antonym)
Sentence – The play was so boring that it acted as a soporific tool to induce my sleeping.
Description – To purposely speak misleadingly; to deliberately deceive
POS – Verb
Picture –
Related Words – Belie (synonym), fabricate (synonym), speak honestly (antonym)
Sentence – He wanted to get the job so badly that he prevaricated his experience so that his one-time weekend volunteering sounded like an internship.
Description – Deserving blame or rebuke
POS – Adj.
Picture – <--
Related Words – Praiseworthy (antonym), culpable (synonym), creditable (antonym)
Sentence – Car stealing and murder are reprehensible acts committed in many high-crime cities.
Description – Feeling remorse for misdeeds; expressing sorrow for wrongdoing
POS – Adj.
Picture –
Related Words – Unashamed (antonym), unrepentant (antonym), contrite (synonym)
Sentence – The girl approached the teacher to confess he penitent feelings for having cheated.
Description - Given to seizing something for self-satisfaction; excessively greedy and grasping
POS – Adj.
Picture –
Related Words – Predatory (synonym), spartan (antonym), voracious (synonym)
Sentence – During the divorce, Jill's dad took to his typical rapacious manner and demanded the judge give him the children, the house, the cars,... everything.
Nick's vocab
1. to cause sleep
2. POS: adjective
3. The cough medicine had a soporific effect.
4. synonym: calming, drowsy, quitening
1. to deliberately speak falsely
2. POS: verb
3. The inmate previcated to the jury.
4. synonym: lie, con, exaggerate
1. to deserve blame
2. POS: adjective
3. The reprehensible boy stole the candy.
4. synonym: blamable, guilty, unholy
1. to feel sorrowful
2. POS: noun
3. He was penitent as he prayed for forgiveness.
4. synonym: remorseful, rueful, sorrowful
1. seize live prey
2. POS: adjective
3. Wolves are very rapacious.
4. synonyms: ravenous, voracious, grasping
Nikkel's Vocab
5. On another sheet.
1. To be misleading, to lie
2. Part of speech: verb
3. Similar words: belie, stall, and dither.
4. The son prevaricated to his parents about his bad grades.
5. On another sheet.
Reprehensible1. Deserving blame2. Part of speech: adjective3. Similar words: culpable, blameworthy, guilty4. The reprehensible child felt bad after she broke her mom vase.
5. On another sheet.
1. Expressing or a feeling of sorrow for doing something wrong.
2. Part of speech: adjective.
3. Similar words: apologetic, regretful, and sorry.
4. The penitent child felt terrible after cheating in a card game.
5. On another sheet.
1. Greedy, taking by force.
2. Part of speech: adjective
3. Similar words: voracious, avaricious, and grasping.
4. The rapacious robber stole all of the diamonds.
5. On another sheet.
Nikkel's Vocab
5. On another sheet.
1. To be misleading, to lie
2. Part of speech: verb
3. Similar words: belie, stall, and dither.
4. The son prevaricated to his parents about his bad grades.
5. On another sheet.
Reprehensible1. Deserving blame2. Part of speech: adjective3. Similar words: culpable, blameworthy, guilty4. The reprehensible child felt bad after she broke her mom vase.
5. On another sheet.
1. Expressing or a feeling of sorrow for doing something wrong.
2. Part of speech: adjective.
3. Similar words: apologetic, regretful, and sorry.
4. The penitent child felt terrible after cheating in a card game.
5. On another sheet.
1. Greedy, taking by force.
2. Part of speech: adjective
3. Similar words: voracious, avaricious, and grasping.
4. The rapacious robber stole all of the diamonds.
5. On another sheet.
Kevin O'Hara's Vocab
Vocabulary – Week of 11/26
Definition: Causing or tending to cause sleep.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Synonyms: balmy, calming, drowsy
Used in Sentence: The medicine had soporific properties
Definition: To speak falsely or misleadingly, create a lie.
Part of Speech: Verb
Synonyms: belie, cavil, dodge
Used in Sentence: The criminal’s entire testimony was a prevaricate.
Definition: deserving of blame
Part of Speech: Adjective
Synonyms: Amiss, bad, blamable
Used in Sentence: He was reprehensible after destroying the car.
Definition: feeling or expressing sorrow for sin or wrongdoing
Part of Speech: adjective
Synonyms: abashed, apologetic, bashful
Used in Sentence: The criminal was penitent after committing the crime.
Definition: inordinately greedy; predatory; extortionate
Part of Speech: Adjective
Synonyms: greedy, marauding, murderous
Used in Sentence: The billionaire was known for his rapacious attitude.
Rob Bengel's Vocab
1. to cause sleep
2. PoS- adjective
3. The cold medicine had a soporific effect.
4. synonym- calming, drowsy, quitening
1. to speak falsely deliberately
2. PoS- verb
3. I know it was prevaricate because it came from OJ's mouth.
4. synonym- lie, con, exaggerate
1. deserving blame
2. PoS- adjective
3. The reprehensible man murdered his entire family.
4. synonym- blamable, guilty, unholy
1. feeling sorrowful
2. PoS- noun
3. A penitent person confesses their sins in some way.
4. synonym- remorseful, rueful, sorrowful
1. capture living prey
2. PoS- adjective
3. Lions, the kings of the jungle, are very rapacious.
4. synonyms- ravenous, voracious, grasping
Bo's Vocab
2. Adjective
3. Synontms: drowzy, tired, sleepy
4. You can take pills before bed to make you soporific.
2. Verb
3. Synonyms: falsify, belie, misrepresent
4. The child prevaricates to his parents when he says he did his chores but really did not.
3. Synonyms: blamable, culpable, guilty
4. Critics thought that the T.V. show was reprehensible because it was too vulgar.
2. Adjective
3. Synonyms: remorseful, regretful, atoning
4. He felt penitent so he went into confesion.
2. Adjective
3. Synonyms: greedy, predatory, ravenous
4. Scrooge was rapacious because he would not give money to the poor.
Jennifer Pawloski's Vocab
1. Description: Something that causes one to become sleepy.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adjective.
Kelsie Sullivan's Vocab
Description- A drug or other substance that induces sleep; a hypnotic.
Part of Speech- Noun
Sentence- I took a soporific when I was still wide awake at 3 AM.
Related Words- sleep, narcotic, sedative
Description- To stray from or evade the truth.Part of Speech- Verb
Sentence- The child prevaricated when his parents asked if he had thrown a party last weekend when they were gone.
Related Words- lie, falsify, fib
Description- Deserving blame.
Part of Speech- Adjective
Sentence- The lying child was reprehensible.
Related Words- blameworthy, guilty, culpable
Description- Shamed for doing something wrong.
Part of Speech- Adjective
Sentence- The man was very penitent when he ran over the grandma with his car.
Related Words- apologetic, sorrowful, sorry
Description- Taking by force; greedy.
Part of Speech- Adjective
Sentence- The lion was very rapacious and stole all the other lion’s zebra meat.
Related Words- avid, voracious, greedy
Kelsie Stephen's Vocab
a. Adjective
b. Sym- dozy,and slumberous. ant-invigorating.
c. The soporific milk silenced the infant.
Prevaricate- to deliberately mislead/deceive.
a. verb
b. Sym- belie, fabricate, and fib.
c. The maze was cut prevaricate the people trying to find the exit.
Reprehensible- blameworthy.
b. Sym- blamable, and guilty. Ant- praiseworthy
c. The reprehensible convict stole from the guard.
Penitent- feeling or expressing sorrow/remorse for sins.
a. Adjective
b. Sym- apologetic, and regretful. Ant-unashamed.
c. The penitent murderer prayed for weeks.
Rapacious- greedy.
a. Adjective
b. Sym- predatory, and plundering. Ant- unselfish.
c. The Rapacious Grinch stole all the food and presents in Whoville.