Description: Something that is set as a guideline or an example to be followed by.
Part of speech: Noun
3 related words: Pattern, standard, and model.
Sentence: Pictures often have paradigms to visually enhance the image.
7. Philology
Description: The study of language throughout time, and how it has changed.
Part of speech: Noun
3 related words: Biology, psychology, and sociology.
Sentence: By using philology, we are able to see how words have changed over time.
8. Phonology
Description: The study of sounds and speech, with emphasis on pronunciation.
Part of speech: Noun
3 related words: Philology, zoology, and theology.
Sentence: From phonology, we know how to pronounce words correctly.
9. Rhetoric
Descritption: The study and use of language with the intent to please an audience.
Part of speech: Noun
3 related words: Style, expression, and entertainment.
Sentence: The author chose rhyming as a rhetoric to please his readers.
10. Syntax
Description: The study of how words are arranged in sentences.
Part of speech: Noun
3 related words: Phonology, philology, and rhetoric.
Sentence: When writing college essays it is important to arrange words properly by using proper syntax.
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