Friday, October 19, 2007

Anthony's vocab

Gravitas- very serious, especially when concerning someone’s opinion or their chosen action towards the matter at hand
POS: noun
^^^ serious face
Sentence: His state of gravitas was one that I had never seen before.
Related Words: seriousness, grave, solemn

Alacrity- eagerness to accept or respond
POS: noun
Sentence: He responded in all alacrity.
Related Words: cheerful, merry, lively

Recalcitrant- going against command or authority
POS: adjective
Sentence: The fat recalcitrant cat slowly turned and walked the opposite way as I called him.
Related Words: unruly, resistant, rebel

Propensity- a strong desire or preference
POS: noun
Sentence: His propensity towards the situation did not matter.
Related Words: leaning, proclivity, penchant

Fallacious- ending up misleading or deceiving
POS: adjective
Sentence: This fallacious leader needs to be removed.
Related Words: fallacy, delusive, faulty

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

According tot he time stamp, your posting is late. I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt adn give your credit..except for related words. You need to indicate whether they are synonyms, antonyms, or etymology.