Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Evan Hills' Vocab

1. Seriousness or a depth in substance.
2. Noun
3. Dignity, lordliness, duty (synonyms)
4. Judges need to have gravitas while deciding the verdict.
5. Seperate

1. livliness or upbeat willingness
2. Noun
3. apathy, aversion, disinclination (antonyms)
4. The girl had an unbelievable hunger for knowledge, an alacrity to learn.
5. seperate

1. Disobedient, unruly, and stubborn
2. Adjective
3. compliant, docile, obedient ( antonyms)
4. The recalcitrant child was absolutely impossible for me to put to bed
5. seperate

1. A natural liking or tendency
2. noun
3. predilection, inclination, disposition
4. Many americans have a propensity for eating fast food.
5. seperate

1. Incorrect or deceptively misleading
2. Adjective
3. invalid, illusive, illogical (synonyms)
4. Unfortunately, the mans fallacious reasoning led to immediate approval.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good job, Evan.
25/30 until I see pictures.