Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dan O's Vocab

Gravitas - serious
POS - noun
Related Words - serious, dedicated, critical (synonyms)
Sentence - Steven gave a very gravitas speech at graduation.
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Alacrity - eagerness, cheerfulness, ready
POS - noun
Related Words - enthusiastic, willing, lively (synonyms)
Sentence - The crowd at the concert were filled with alacrity as they waited for the band to come out to the stage.
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Recalcitrant - stubborn and difficult to control
POS - adjective
Related Words - disobedient, unruly, difficult (synonyms)
Sentence - The teacher sent the group of recalcitrant children to the principals office.
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Propensity - natural tendency
POS - noun
Related Words - instinct, tendency, inclination (synonyms)
Sentence - My propensity is to move back when someone swings their fist at me.
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Fallacious - misleading
POS - adjective
Related Words - deceiving, fake, deceptive (synonyms)
Sentence - the fallacious disguise Frank was wearing made me believe that it wasn't him.
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1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Gravitas is a noun . You are using it as an adjective. (-1)