Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kelsie Sullivan's Vocab

Description: Seriousness and sobriety in the way you speak.
Part of Speech: Noun
Sentence: The teacher spoke with gravitas so the kids new not to mess around.
Related Words: strict, dignified, dedicated

Description: Willing and excited to do something.
Part of Speech: Noun
Sentence: The kid responded with alacrity when told he would be going to Disney World.
Related Words: willing, excited, readiness

Description: Refusing to do what you’re told.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The recalcitrant child would not clean his room after being told by his mother.
Related Words: stubborn, rebellious, resistant

Description: A pattern behavior or habit.
Part of Speech: Noun
Sentence: I have a propensity to bite my nails.
Related Words: tendency, habit, disposition

Description: Trying to mislead or deceive.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: I had to act fallaciously in order to keep her surprise party a surprise.
Related Words: deception, trick, mislead

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

You need to indicate whether yuor related words are synonyms, antonyms, or etymology. (-5)
20/30 until I see pictures.