Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Eric Fish Vocab

1. Definition)- Truthfulness; honesty accordance with truth; as of perception that which is true; truth
2. Part of speech)-Noun
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)-(Sym)-truth (Ant)-lie (Sym)-integrity
5. Sentence)- My dad says I never speak with veracity about my feelings.:)

1. Definition)- To attack by argument or criticism; oppose or challenge as false or questionable.
2. Part of speech)-intense verb
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- (Sym)-deny (Sym)-admit (Sym)- impungable
5. Sentence)- I found it easy to impugn my opponents integrity.

1. Definition)- Not liable to sin, incapable of wrongdoing without defect or error; faultless; flawless
2. Part of speech)- Adj
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- (Sym)- perfect (Ant)- wrong (Sym)- correct
5. Sentence)- I wish I could speak impeccable French for the lady’s in school sometimes.

1. Definition)- Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
- An instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing.
2. Part of speech)- Noun
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- (Sym)-Double-dealing (Ant)-honesty
5. Sentence)- When I talked to Amanda about math she seemed to have a duplicity attitude.

1. Definition)- something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
2. Part of speech)- noun
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- (Sym)- blind (Sym)- deception
5. Sentence)- I was not sick on the day of the test I just needed another day to study.

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