Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kelsie Sullivan's Vocab

1. Veracity
Description- To tell the truth; a quality of honesty.
Part of Speech- Noun
Sentence- People with veracity go far in life

Related Words: (Syn.) truth, honesty (Ant.) lie

2. Impugn
Description- To disagree with something and argue about it.
Part of Speech- Verb
Sentence- I always impugn with me mother, whom always thinks she’s right.
Related Words- (Syn.) oppose, argue, fight

3. Impeccable
Description- Free from blame. Never having any flaws.
Part of Speech- Adjective
Sentence- You must be impeccable when going to visit your fiancés parents.
Related Words- (Syn.) perfect, flawless (Ant.) imperfect

4. Duplicity
Description- Misleading by trickery.
Part of Speech- Noun
Sentence- To be a thief, you must have duplicity.
Related Words- (Syn.) trick, dishonest, decietful

5. Subterfuge
Description- A strategy used as deception.
Part of Speech- Noun
Sentence- War often uses subterfuge when figuring out battle plans.
Related Words- (Syn.) strategy, trick, fake

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Impugn" is to challenge the integrity or veracity of something.
(-3..1 for description, 1 for sentence--along with the spelling--and 1 for the picture.)