Thursday, October 11, 2007

Taylors Vocab.

Veracity: Being honest in response.
POS- Noun
Related Words- Genuine(S), Honesty (S), Reliability (S)
Sentence- During the lie detector test the defendant he answered with veracity.

Impugn: To accuse someone of saying something false.
POS- Verb
Related Words- Accuse (S), Contradict (S), Help (A)
Sentence- The politician impugned what the other candidate said.*AhEUInowjKakOoliwONYMjqqdOHJBtN!L3G0szc9Hr72wcxvaFHSJAuNv6BSSt0nB7a3IXLHkEAu76L1Zc0zAAAArXKJAg/J'%20Accuse.jpg

Impeccable: Perfect or without flaw.
POS- Adjective
Related Words- Flawless (S), Pure (S), Immaculate (S)
Sentence- The models skin was impeccable.

Duplicity: Behaving in two or more different ways or actions.
POS- Noun
Related Words- Bipolar (S), Deceitful (S), Lier (S)
Sentence- The man had a personality with duplicity when he was around different people.

Subterfuge: To avoid the consequence of an act performed.
POS- Noun
Related Words- Trick(S), Scam (S), Hide (S)
Sentence- The convict was on the run of because he wanted subterfuge.