Thursday, October 18, 2007

Alex's Vocab 2nd hour w/o 10/19

POS: noun
Description: very serious
Related Words (meaning): serious, important, non-joking
Sentence: The priest had gravitas when he spoke to the church.

POS: noun
Description: prompt in response, cheerful
Related Words (meaning): quickness, readiness, swiftness
Sentence: My cousin responded with alacrity to take out the trash.

POS: adj
Description: unwilling to follow rules
Related Words (meaning): unruly, disobiedient, rebellious
Sentence: I hope the recalcitrant children across the street move soon, they are terrible kids.

POS: noun
Description: a strong natural inclination or preference
Related Words (meaning): leaning, proclivity, penchant
Sentence: The recalcitrant propensities of the dog caused him to be hated by many people.

POS: adj
Description: not using or applying logical reasoning
Related Words (meaning): illogical, deceptive, stupid
Sentence: The fallacious bird kept flying into the window.