Thursday, October 4, 2007

Alyssa Mullan Vocab

1Somebody who is deliberately unkind.
3The perfidious girl stole did not invite Sophie to the party just to make Mary mad.
4. Synonyms- false, disloyal, unfaithful

1.A quality that someone who is trustworthy and honest would have.
2. noun
3. If you do not have probity then I will not be your friend.
Antonym-dishonesty, failure


1. Having strict morals and sticking to them.
2. Adjective
3. Susan showed a scrupulous performance during her interview and was hired the next day.
4. Synonyms-
conscientious, cautious, careful

1. A person who does not tell the truth.
2. Adjective
3. The spurious person lied to the police officer about her name.
4. Synonyms- false, sham
Antonyms- genuine

1. A strategy or trick used against an enemy to gain an advantage.
2. Noun
3. The stratagem should be better right now in Iraq.
4. Synonyms-Plan, Scheme

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Amen" to your comment on "strategem!"
25/30 until I look at pictures.