Thursday, October 4, 2007

Brian P's vocab Week 4


1. Perfidious means being dishonest or deceitful.

2. Adjective.
3. Synonyms: Deceit, Duplicity, Dishonesty
4. I try to steer clear of being perfidious.


1. Probity is a perfectionist, they do everything correctly.

2. Noun
3. Synonyms: correctness, scrupulous, rectitude
4. Einstein was a Probity.


1. Having moral values

2. Adjective.
3. Synonyms: honorable, trustworthy, reliable
4. The Pope is very scrupulous.


1. Spurious means fake.

2. Adjective.
3. Synonyms: false, bogus, fake
4. Counter fitting spurious money can get you in big trouble.


1. A Stratagem is a ruse/trick to fool your opponent.

2. Noun
3. Synonyms: trick, ruse, ploy
4. I have a secret Stratagem to staying home from school.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Probity means honesty. (-2)
...Never let a teacher know that you have a secret strategem to stay home from school!
23/30 until I see pictures.