Thursday, October 4, 2007

Gabrielle Whip's Vocabulary

Perfidious- Definition- deliberatly faithless, trecherous, deceitful. POS-adjective. Related words- false (s), disloyal (s), and faithful (a). Sentence- The perfidious lover cheated on his wife while on a buisness trip in Las Vegas. Picture-
Probity- def- honest, upright. POS- noun. Related- recitude(s), dishonesty (a), deceit (a). Sentence- The probity of the pastor during his sermon was inspiring. Picture-
Scrupulous- Precise, eact, being precise in what is right. POS- adj. Related- syn conscientious, cautious, careful. Sentence- The scupulous history teacher was meticulous in grading the test essays. Picture-
Spurious- def- not genuine, authentic, or true. POS- adj. Related- false (s), deciet (s), and genuine(a). Sentence- the spurious theif lied in court of stealing the candy from the child. Picture-
Stratagem- def- a plan or trick devised for a surprise to an opposing army. POS- noun. related- syn- trick, deception, and device. sentence- The stratagems of the union lead to a joyous victory over the south. Picture-

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Scrupulous needs to be in the context of "honesty and deceit." (-1)
24/30 until I see pictures.