Thursday, October 18, 2007

  • description- acting serious and formal.
  • part of speech- noun
  • related words- dignified(s), formal(s), careless(a)
  • sentence- The gravitas at the symphony was too much for the kids to handle.
  • description- being eager to do something.
  • part of speech- Noun
  • related words- promptitude(s), fervor(s), dullness(a)
  • sentence- The alacrity of the the girl impressed her boss on the first day of work.
  • description- rebelling against authority or being stubborn
  • part of speech- adjective
  • related words- rebellious(s), defiant(s), agreeable(a)
  • sentence- The recalcitrant man refused to ask for directions.
  • description- a natural tendancy toward something
  • part of speech- noun
  • related words- inclination(s), leaning(s), repulsion(a)
  • sentence- The propensity of the pencil tapping on the desk was very annoying during the test.
  • description- tending to mislead or deceive.
  • part of speech- adjective
  • related words- beguiling(s), deceptive(s), true(a)
  • sentence- The criminal tried to give a fallacious testimony.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good Job, Courtney.
25/30 until I see pictures