Thursday, October 4, 2007

Jennifer's Vocab

1. Description: To be deliberately disloyal and unfaithful.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adjective.
3. Picture-
4. Related words include: treachery (synonym), treason (synonym), and betrayal (synonym).
5. Sentence: The man was known for his perfidious motives.

1. Description: To be honest and do what is right.
2. Part of Speech: It is a noun.
3. Picture-
4. Related words include: truthfulness (synonym), integrity (synonym), and sincerity (synonym).
5. Sentence: Her probity was highly recognized by all her peers.

1. Description: Following strict morals.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adjective.
3. Picture-
4. Related words include: honesty (synonym), immoral (antonym), and corrupt (antonym).
5. Sentence: The scrupulous person always looked up to positive mentors.

1. Description: When someone or something lacks truthfulness and is fake.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adjective.
3. Picture-
4. Related words include: false (synonym), counterfeit (synonym), and genuine (antonym).
5. Sentence: The spurious debate caused controversy.

1. Description: Strategy used to trick an enemy.
2. Part of Speech: It is a noun.
3. Picture-
4. Related words include: scheme (synonym), plot (synonym), and trap (synonym)
5. Sentence: The stratagem was used in a competitive game.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good job, Jennifer.