Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kayla's Vocab


Description: having formality in demeanor and appearance; seriousness
POS: Noun
Picture: <--
Related Words: dignity (s), gravity (s), heaviness (s)
The wrestler was champion three years in row and needless to say his gravitas toward the his title showed resplendently as he approached the ring yet again.


Description: cheerful readiness, willingness, and/or eagerness
POS: Noun
Related Words: promptitude (s), briskness (s), apathy (a)
Sentence: With alacrity and joyous enthusiasm the children all raised their hand to answer the question as candy would be given to correct responses.


Description: resisting authority or cont
rol; being hard to deal with or operate
POS: Adjective
Related Words: insubmissive (s), compliant (a), docile (a)
Sentence: Some people will just never learn that wild horses are called "wild" because they truly are recalcitrant and almost impossible to fully train.


Description: inclination that occurs naturally; a disposition to act in a certain way
POS: Noun
Related Words: tendency (s), partiality (s), aptness (s)
Sentence: The woman wanted to lose weight, but her propensity to binge diet wasn't getting her anywhere.


Description: misleading, delusive, or logically unsound; intending to deceive
POS: Adjective
Related Words: correct (a), veritable (a), unfounded (s)
Sentence: All parents are fallacious in that they tell their children about "Santa Claus", "the Easter Bunny", and "the Tooth Fairy", although I suppose it's for positive motives of deceit.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Great job, Kayla!