Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kirsten's Vocab

POS: Noun
Description: A seriousness in speech or conduct.
Related Words: dignity (s), seriousness (s), sobriety (s)
Sentence: The priest spoke with gravitas at the funeral.

POS: Noun
Description: Cheerful willingness.
Related Words: eagerness (s), keenness (s), fervor (s)
Sentence: We accepted the invitation to the party with alacrity.

POS: Adjective
Description: Resisting control or authority, disobedient.
Related Words: resistance (s), rebellious (s), opposed (s)
Sentence: The criminal was recalcitrant upon being arrested.

POS: Noun
Description: A natural inclination or tendency.
Related Words: inclination (s), disposition (s), partiality
Sentence: The teacher had the propensity to talk too much.

POS: Adjective
Description: Logically unsound, misleading.
Related Words: deceptive (s), misleading (s), delusive (s)
Sentence: The lawyer used fallacious reasoning in the court room.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good job, 25/30 until I see pictures.