Thursday, October 4, 2007

Leslie's vocab

Description: Faithless, decietful, treacherous
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Slick (s), deceptive (s), betraying (s)
Sentence: He was a perfidious lover.

Description: Integrity, honesty
P.O.S: Noun
Related words: Equity (s), honor (s), worth (s)
Sentence: Her probity let me trust her, so we became the best of friends.

Description: Careful, Strict
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Exact (s), Critical (s), True (s)
Sentence: That was a scrupulous performance.

Description: Not true, Not genuine
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Bogus (s), Fake (s), False (s)
Sentence: You can get in big trouble if you get caught with spurious money.

Description: Plan, Scheme, Trick
P.O.S: Noun
Related words: Booby trap (s), Game (s), Con (s)
Sentence: We need a stratagem to win the game.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Using the word as your picture (as in "strategem" and "probity" is like using the word to define the word! (-2)
"Scrupulous" when associated with deceit and honesty needs morals or ethis attached to it. Your sentence for this word does not demonstrate that you understand it! i.e. was the performance bad, good, detailed, ethical, moral... (-1)