Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lisa's Vocab

11. Veracity

Description- always true
POS- noun
Synonyms- actuality, trueness, sincerity
Sentence- To get a good job you must be veracity.
12. Impugn
Description- to attack something and say that it is false
POS- transitive verb
Synonyms- charge, censure, accuse
Sentence- The defendant impugned the prosecutor while he was on the stage.

13. Impeccable

Description- incapable of sinning
POS- adjective
Synonyms- perfect, faultless, unimpeachable
Sentence- She had impeccable timing where ever she went.
14. Duplicity

Description- doing or saying two contradicting things at once
POS- noun
Synonyms- deceit, dishonesty, unfaithfulness
Sentence- The lawyer was called out for his duplicity in the case.
15. Subterfuge

Description- a deceptive device
POS- noun
Synonyms- trick, maneuver, dodge
Sentence- The army’s subterfuge would really deceive the enemy.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

You are using veracity as an adjective (predicate adjective). It is a noun. The correct usage in your sentence would be veracious.