Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Marc's Vocab

· Veracity
1. A quality of honesty, telling the truth.
2. Noun
3. truth-s, accuracy-s, lie-a
4. Picture -- >
5. The veracity of Abraham Lincoln gave him the nickname “Honest Abe.”

· Impugn
1. To disagree with something and argue about it.
2. Verb
3. oppose-s, argue-s, pungent-e
4. Picture -- >
5. I impugn with other students in my debate class.

· Impeccable
1. Not having any flaws. Free from blame.
2. Adjective
3. perfect-s, flawless-s, censurable-a
4. Picture -- >
5. One must use impeccable manners when introduced to the Queen.

· Duplicity
1. Misleading by trickery.
2. Noun
3. deceit-s, dishonesty-s, trustworthiness-a
4. Picture -- >
5. Halloween is a day of duplicity and treats.

· Subterfuge
1. A strategy used as deception.
2. Noun
3. chicanery-s, stratagem-s, submarine-e
4. Picture -- >
5. Subterfuge is very common is teenagers, they often tell their parents one thing and do another.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Impugm\n" is a transitive verb. It needs to transfer its action to an object. (-1)