Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Marc's Vocab

· Gravitas
1. A serious behavior.
2. Noun
3. strict-s, joking matter-a, dignified-s
4. Picture -- >
5. Our football practice today did not have any gravitas, everyone was fooling around.

· Alacrity
1. Being excited to do something.
2. Noun
3. apathy-a, willingness-s, mediocrity-e
4. Picture -- >
5. Marc agreed with alacrity to go to Craig’s Cruisers.

· Recalcitrant
1. Refusing to do what you are told.
2. Adjective
3. defiant-s, rebellious-s, compliant-a
4. Picture -- >
5. The recalcitrant dog would not stop chasing the mailman.

· Propensity
1. A behavior pattern or habit.
2. Noun
3. inclination-s, tendency-s, indisposition-a
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5. I have a propensity to slice when I play golf.

· Fallacious
1. Trying to deceive or mislead.
2. Adjective
3. deception-s, fraudulent-s, tricky-s
4. Picture -- >
5. It is fallacious to flirt with women.

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