Thursday, October 11, 2007

megan's vocab

Veracity- (noun) to tell the truth with correctness and accuracy.
• Related words: sincerity, honesty, integrity
• The veracity in the story made the teacher so proud.
Impugn- (verb) to be false or wrong; to doubt that something is true, cannot be trusted.
• Related words:, criticize, accuse, unreliable.
• It was an impugn story that was unbelievable.
Impeccable- (adjective) to be almost perfect, as in flawless.
• Related words: immaculate, unimpeachable, unsullied
• The little girl has impeccable talent for being only a few years old.
Duplicity-(noun) to be deceiving, saying one thing, but then end up doing something else.
• Related words: deception, dishonesty, betrayal
• The duplicity of his character was terrible and sometimes frightening to others.
Subterfuge-(noun) a way of hiding something in a plan or way of deceiving another.
• Related words: artifice, scheme, ruse
• The subterfuge of April fool’s day was horrible.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Impugn is a verb. You are using it as an adjective in your sentence. (-1)
related words: you do not indicate whether they are synonyms, antonyms, or etymology (-5)
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