Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mike Rollo vocab

Form of Speech: Noun
Description: Something true; To tell the truth
Related Words: Correctness, Accuracy
Sentence: Joe's veracity during his interview showed he was the right person for the job.

Form of speech: Verb
Description: To disagree with or challenge a false statement.
Related Words: Attack, Sensor
Sentence: The student impugned what the teacher was saying.

Form of speech: Adjective
Description: Nothing wrong; Perfect
Related Words: Flawless, Perfect
Sentence: While handing back a test that had an A, the teacher told me I did an impeccable job.

Form of speech: Noun
Description: Saying one thing while really believing something else ;Two-faced
Related Words: Deception, Dissimulation
Sentence: Because of his duplicity, Joe and I are no longer friends.

Form of speech: Noun
Description: Doing or saying one thing to hide the truth; Trying to escape a consequence.
Related Words: Deception, Scheme, Trick
Sentence: Joe used his subterfuge skills to avoid a detention.


Julie Schellenberg said...

"Impugn" is a transitive verb. The verb needtd to "transfer" it's action directly to an object. The student impugned the teacher's statement by proving him/her wrong.
24/360 until I see pictures.

Julie Schellenberg said...

Sorry...That's 24/30 points until I see pictures.