Thursday, October 18, 2007

Molly's Vocab for 10.19.07

POS: noun
Definition: Seriousness or sobriety
Related Words: relevance, importance, significance
Sentence: The Gravitas of apples and rings was shocking because they are not related in any way.

POS: Noun
Definition: to be excited and ready
Related Word: cheerfulness, eagerness, willingness
Sentence: The screaming firls outside of a concert were Alacritious.

POS: Adjective
Definition: Being hard to control, or not receptive to management.
Related Words: wild, unruly, radical
Sentence: The children were becoming very recalcitrant after snack time each day.

POS: Noun
Definition: A strong natural fondness or liking.
Related Words: ability, bias, talent
Sentence: My propensity for the band The Faint grew as I listened to them.

POS: Adjective
Definition: One that lies often
Related Words: incorrect, invalid, untrue
Sentence: I do not keep friend who are fallacious and lie to me constantly.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good job, Molly...I'm not sure alacritious is a word, but you changed the suffix appropriately, so no point off.