Monday, October 1, 2007

Nicole's Vocab

P.O.S.-It is an adjective.
Description- Something that is being unfaithful.
Sentence- The perfidious actions od my boyfriend made me break his heart.
Synonyms: are disloyal, deceitful, and untrue.

P.O.S-It is a noun.
Description- To prove that domething is true and right.
Sentence- Our math teacher used probity to solve the problem without error.
Synonyms: are honesty, uprightness and proving.

3. Scrupulous
P.O.S- It is an adjective.
Description- It is when one acts with good mannors.
Sentence- When adults have meetings at work, they must act with a scrupulous mannor to be respectful to the person talking.
Synonyms: are upright, careful and proper.

P.O.S- It is an adjective.
Description- This is something of the same origin or looks like the original but may not be.
Sentence- The spurious check looked just like the usual check one would use to pay with.
Antonyms: are forged, false and immitation.

P.O.S- It is a noun.
Description- It is a way of using someone or something in means of gaining something
Sentence- Jimmy used stratagem to get his little brother to do his chores.
Antonyms: are trickery, prank or ruse.

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