Thursday, October 4, 2007

1. Definition)- to be dishonest or deceitful.
2. Part of speech)- Adjective.
3. Picture)
4. Related words)- treacherous, untrue, Disloyal
5. I dislike people that have perfidious character traits.

1. Definition)- integrity and uprightness; honesty
2. Part of speech)- noun
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- honor, goodness
5. Sentence)- The probity that was displayed by his honesty warranted my respect.

1a. Definition)- having scruples; having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled. 1b. punctiliously or minutely careful, precise, or exact: a scrupulous performance.
2. Part of speech)- adjective
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- conscientious, cautious, careful, circumspect. 2. exacting, rigorous. SCRUPULOUS, PUNCTILIOUS imply abiding exactly by rules.
5. Sentence)- The architects design exuded a scrupulous precision to the ambiance of the room

1a. Definition)- not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit. 1b - Biology. (of two or more parts, plants, etc.) having a similar appearance but a different structure. 1c - of illegitimate birth; bastard.
2. Part of speech)-adjective
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- false, bogus, forged, phoney, unauthentic
5. Sentence)- The holdings of the father were reluctantly passed over to the spurious or doubtful offspring.

1. Definition)- a - plan, scheme, or trick for surprising or deceiving an enemy , b - any artifice, ruse, or trick devised or used to attain a goal or to gain an advantage over an adversary or competitor: business stratagems.
2. Part of speech)- noun
3. Picture)-
4. Related words)- trick, ruse, ploy, subterfuge, wile
5. Sentence)- The trojan horse was a clever stratagem used to successfully enter the city of troy.

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