Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rachel's Vocab


Description: Serious and sobriety when speaking.
Part of Speech: noun
Sentence: The lawyer gave a very gravitas speech.
Related Words: Synonyms- serious, significance. Antonym- sarcastic.


Description: Cheeriness, willing, lively.
Part of Speech: noun
Sentence: The preschool teacher taught the class with alacrity.
Related Words: Synonyms- enthusiastic, quickness, eager


Description: Obstinate, disobedient, difficult to handle or manage.
Part of Speech: adjective
Sentence: the teenagers acted with recalcitrant attitudes at the mall.
Related Words: Synonyms- wild, difficult, disobedient


Description: To strongly like or want something. To have preference for.
Part of Speech: noun
Sentence: The alcoholic had a propensity to drink too much.
Related Words: Synonyms- desire, fondness, disposition.


Description: To mislead, deceive, or fraudulent
Part of Speech: adjective
Sentence: The bank robber had a fallacious reputation.
Related Words: mislead, false, unsound


Julie Schellenberg said...
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Julie Schellenberg said...

Rachel, Gravitas is a noun. You use it as an adjective. (-1)