Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tori's Vocab

Description: seriousness and sobriety in the way you speak
POS: Gravitas is a noun.
Use in Sentence: Our President must be gravitas yet caring and understanding.
Related Words: serious, dedicated, focused.

Description: lively cheerful and willing
POS: Alacrity is a noun.
Use in Sentence: We did our jobs and duties with great alacrity.
Related Words: enthusiasm, avidity, fervor, readiness

Description: not obedient, and resisting authority.
POS: Recalcitrant is an adjective.
Use in Sentence: She answered with a no and a recalcitrant tone.
Related Words: resistant, rebellious, opposed

Description: a natural tendency
POS: Propensity is a noun.
Use in Sentence: He walked the halls with confident propensity on the first day of school.
Related Words: disposition, penchant, proclivity

Description: deceptive or misleading
POS: Fallacious is an adjective.
Use in Sentence: The defendant shared a fallacious testimony.
Related Words: beguiling, deluding, erroneous, phony

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Gravitas" is a noun. You use it as an adjective. (-1)
"Propensity" means "...a tendency towards..." Alcoholics have a propensity to drink too much." would be appropriate. Your sentence seems to connote confidence or ability. (-1)
28/30 (I got your pictures)