Monday, October 8, 2007

Tori's Vocabulary

Description: Veracity is a truth, fact or accuracy.
POS: Veracity is a noun.
Use in Sentence: The jury questioned the veracity of the witnesses testimony.
Related Words: actuality, credibility, exactitude

Description: Impugn means to provide a doubt or to challenge.
POS: Impugn is a verb.
Use in Sentence: It was the lawyers job to impugn the testimony.
Related Words: assail, attack, contravene

Description: Impeccable means flawless or faultless.
POS: Impeccable is an adjective.
Use in Sentence: The little boy displayed impeccable manners and behaviorisms.
Related Words: errorless, pure, unblemished

Description: Duplicity is deceitfulness, or speaking and acting in two different ways.
POS: Duplicity is a noun.
Use in Sentence: The dog chowed duplicity while company was present.
Related Words: fraud, falsehood, hypocrisy, guile

Description: Subterfuge is a way used to escape consequence or punishment.
POS: Subterfuge is a noun.
Use in Sentence: The judge found subterfuge in the signatures falsehood.
Related Words: contrivance, stratagem, con, tactic

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Watch your possessives. You need one in the sentence for "subterfuge." (-1)
Also, how can a dog "chow" duplicity? (-2) [spelling and usage/meaning]
I got your pictures.