Thursday, October 4, 2007


6. perfidious- a cheat.
P.O.S- Adjective
Synonyms: false, disloyal; unfaithful.
The man was a perfidious husband.

7. probity- genuine.
P.O.S: Noun.
(s) uprightness, (s) honesty, (d) dishonesty.
She was a perfect example of Eastern's probity.

8. scrupulous- standing up for what you believe in.
P.O.S: Adjective
Synonyms: conscientious, cautious, careful.
Mandy showed a scrupulous performance at the protest.

9. spurious- fake.
P.O.S- Adjective
Synonyms: false, sham, bogus.
Thier tans were spurious.

10. stratagem- a way to get ahead of your competitor.
P.O.S- Noun.
Synonyms: deception, maneuver, trick.
The school devised a few stratagems.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Your picture for "spurious"...also demonstrates that their genders were spurious!