Thursday, October 4, 2007

Heather's vocab


1. being unfaithful
2. Adj.
3. Disloyal, dishonest, betrayal
4. The woman in the movie was being perfidious to her husband


1. To have morals
2. Adj.
3. moral, cautious, honest
4. The priest is a very scrupulous man.


1. To be honest
2. noun
3. Goodness, honor, virtue
4. She was very probity when it came to school.


1. pretend
2. Adj.
3. Fake, immitation, false
4. The little girls were playing with spurious money.


1. To trick
2. noun
3. deception, con, plan
4. The bad guys came up with a stratagem to steal the money

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Probity is a noun; you are using it as an adjective in your sentence. (-1)
24/30 on post.