Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Kayla's Vocab

Description: adherence to truth, correctness, and accuracy
POS: Noun
Related Words: precision (synonym), truthfulness (synonym), falsity (antonym)
Sentence: Ilya exaggerates so much so that his stories often stir from having veracity to being a complete set of lies.

Description: to dispute something as false; to cast doubt upon
POS: verb
Related Words: contradict (synonym), support (antonym), negate (synonym)
Sentence: The third grader claimed that she was married to a rabbit in a the forest, but the 6th grader was quick to impugn the truth of the marriage.

Description: having no flaws; perfect; not capable of wrongdoing
POS: adjective
Related Words: faultless (synonym), corrupt (antonym), defective (antonym)
Sentence: Barbie Holiday lived a impeccable life without fault, was valedictorian of her class, was crowned Miss Teen USA, and disgusted the rest of us entirely.

Description: speaking in different ways or acting in two different ways with a deliberate intent to deceive
POS: Noun
Related Words: honesty (antonym), contradictory (synonym), twofold (synonym)
Sentence: In "A Doll's House," Nora displayed her duplicity by telling Kristine that she had taken out a loan in order to pay for Helmer's medical bills, and then she told Helmer that the money was a gift from her parents.
(not accurate)

Description: a device or strategy used to hide something or avoid a rule and its consequences
POS: Noun
Related Words: con (synonym), contrivance (synonym), trickery (synonym)
Sentence: By using an "appointment" as his subterfuge, Bill did not have to attend class and therefore could study another day for his test.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Great Job, Kayla! (Why don't you like Barbie Holiday? Is it just because of her first name?