Wednesday, October 10, 2007

emily's vocab

11. Veracity (noun)
Description: something that is truth or fact
Related Words: honesty, integrity, credibility
Sentence: I questioned the veracity of her story.
12. Impugn (verb)
Description: accusing or challenging something as false
Related Words: challenge, dispute, question
Sentence: A lawyer will impugn a testimony during a trial.
13. Impeccable (adjective)
Description: something that is flawless
Related Words: perfect, unflawed, pure
Sentence: The criminals plan seemed impeccable before they were caught.
14. Duplicity (noun)
Description: being deceitful in speech
Related Words: double-dealing, fraud, dishonesty
Sentence: Duplicity was discovered in the politician.
15. Subterfuge (noun)
Description: the item that is used to hide or avoid something
Related Words: scheme, deceit, con
Sentence: He thought carefully regarding the subterfuge of his lie.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good Job, Emily.