Friday, October 5, 2007

Paneral's Vocab

1. integrity or honesty
2. noun
3. equity, fidelity, goodness, honesty
4. It takes great probity and intelligence to fill the shoes of the presidency.

1. faithless; treacherous
2. adjective
3. betraying, deceitful, deceptive, double-crossing
4. It is a horrible, perfidious feeling to lose a friend to something he is not.

1. showing a strict regard
2. adjective
3. conscientious, conscionable, critical, exact
4. Teachers can often have scrupulous teaching styles but some can have smooth styles.

1. a plan or scheme
2. noun
3. trick, plot, ploy, ruse
4. It was a government stratagem to make people feel safe and not worry about the bomb threats.

1. not genuine or true
2. adjective
3. bent, bogus, bum, contrived
4. When people aren't spurious or real they tend to not be friendly or liked.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Congratulations on Conferences!
* Remember the Honesty and deceit theme for scrupulous.
*Your sentence for "spurious" should read "When people ARE spurious or not realthey tend not to be friendly or liked.
23/30 until I see Pix.