Saturday, October 6, 2007

Week of 10/8/07; DUE 10/10/12/07

Last 5 words on the theme of Honesty and Deceit.

There will be a cummulative test (100 points) on 10/15/07 with writing and multiple choice!

11. veracity

12. impugn

13. impeccable

14. duplicity

15. subterfuge

To review, the following words and themes will be included on the assessment on the 15th:

Development of Language:

cognate; derivative; diminutive; inflection; orthography; paradigm; philology; phonology; rhetoric; syntax.

Honesty and Deceit:

belie; clandestine; collusion; dissemble; nefarious; perfidious; probity; scrupulous; spurious; strategem; veracity; impugn; impeccable; duplicity; subterfuge.

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