Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rob's old vocab used homework pass

1. faithless, tending to betray
2. adj.
4. betraying, deceitful, deceptive
5. His old girlfriend seemed to be perfidous.
1. confirmed integrity
2. noun
4. equity, fidelity, goodness
5. She used probity to explain the situation she was in.
1. having a strict regard for what one considers right
2. adj.
4. critical, exact, fussy
5. Rosa Parks was one of the most scrupulous people in the world,
1. not from the claimed
2. adj.
4. fake, phony, bastard
5. The infant was spurious because the couple had not married yet.
1. a trick to surprise the enemy
2. noun
4. game, layout, shift
5. The stratagem was to attack from behind rather than in front.

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