Wednesday, October 10, 2007


11. veracity(Noun) honesty.
Synonyms 1. honesty, integrity, credibility.
He was acredited at work for his veracity.

12. impugn (Verb) To challenge someone's theory or statement. Synonyms- Attack, Critisize, Challenge. Shellie had to impugn the man's fact because she knew he was all wrong.

13. impeccable( Adjective) -Perfect.

Synonyms: Accurate, Correct, Exact.

After she cleaned the floor, it looked impeccable.

14. duplicity ( Noun)- hypocritical statement.

—Synonyms: deception, dissimulation,two-faced.

The essay was a total duplicity of the subject.

15. subterfuge( Noun) -Running away or avoiding a problem.

Synonyms: Con, device, expedient.

The subterfuge of the event outdid the one from before.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good Job, Hannah