Monday, October 8, 2007

Tyler Coles Vocab

-Someone who is diliberately unfaithful or decietful.
-Syn: false, disloyal, traitorous.
- The boy acted in a perfidious way towards his friends.

-having integrity or being honest.
-Syn: rectitude, uprightness, virture.
-The probity that timmy showed to his elders was remarkably unexpected.

-standing up for what you believe in or think is right.
-Syn: conscientous, conscionable, critical.
-The boy was scrupulous towards the bully's at school.

-something or someone that is not genuine or true.
-Syn: affected, assumed, real.
-He was spurious when telling the girl how he felt about her.

-a plan or scheme to surprise ones enemy.
-Syn: action, angle, booby trap.
-The characters of "The Goonies" used Stratagem to evade the bad guys.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Your sentence for "probity" needs a capital letter on "Timmy." (-1)
"Scrupulous": "Bullys" is plural, not possessive...and it's spelled "bullies." (-1)
23/30 until I see pictures...and I need a late pass or the score remains a "0."