Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Courtney R.'s vocab

  • Description- to always tell the truth
  • Part of Speech- Noun
  • Related Words- honest(s), integrity(s), falsehood(a)
  • Sentance- It is strange for a judge to see a criminal with veracity.
  • Description- to challenge someone in an argument
  • Part of Speech- Verb
  • Related Words- attack(s), dispute(s), support(a)
  • Sentance- The girls impugned, and ended up in a fight.
  • Description- something that can have no sin or something that is perfect.
  • Part of Speech- adjective
  • Related Words- accurate(s), perfect(s), corrupt(a)
  • Sentance- The hunter had impeccable aim with his bow.
  • Description- deceiving someone by the way one talks
  • Part of Speech- Noun
  • Related words- dedeit (s), cunning(s), honesty(a)
  • Sentance- The duplicity in her voice made me wonder if she was really my friend.
  • Description- a strategy or device to hide something
  • Part of Speech- Noun
  • Related Words- con(s), maneuver(s), truthfulness(a)
  • Sentance- The subterfuge of the prisoners backfired and gave them more time in jail.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Impugn" is a transitive verb. It needs to transfer its "action" to a verb. (-1)