Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Molly's Vocab 1.11.08

Nascent- to come into existence, begin to exist or develop.
POS: adj
Related words: beginning, flowering, growing
Sentence: The Nascent flower was so small compared to the mature flowers.

Verisimilitude- the appearance of being real or true.
POS: noun
Related words: likenes, similarity, credibility
Sentence: The verisimilitude of ones character shows when they are going through a hard time.

Deleterious- having a harmful or damaging effect on somebody or something.
Related words: bad, destructive, hurtful
Sentence: Deleterious friendships are hazardous to ones health.

Vitriolic- to fill something with extreme bitterness and hatred toward somebody or something.
POS: adj
Related words: harsh, hateful, offensive
Sentence: My father's vitriolic comment about my hair hurt my feelings and made me cry.

Obsequious- to be excessively eager to please or obey others.
POS: adj
Related words: flattering, respectful, groveling
Sentence: People who use obsquious language are usually classified as a "suck-up".

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