Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nicole's Vocab


P.O.S- Adjective.
Description-Something is recently being formed, newly inhabited.
Sentence- This rock was found in an old dessert, and its ancestors are now called nascent creatures.
Related Words : Synonyms-budding, emerging, growing.

2) verisimilitude
Description- This is when someone looks truthful.
Sentence- These men are shaking hands after an agreement was made by the man in a state of verisimilitude.
Related Words : Synonyms-honest, sincere, and open.

3) deleterious
P.O.S- Adjective.
Description- This is when harmful actions occur that are often unexpected.
Sentence- The deleterious accident sent a healthy women to the emergency room.
Related Words : Synonyms- deadly, toxic, and injurious.

4) vitriolic
Description-pertaining to vitriol which a glossy metal. It is also to have hatred for something.
Sentence-We used a vitriolic substance in science to see the conductivity of this metal.
Related Words : Synonyms- Bitter, acidic, offensive.

5) obsequious
P.O.S- Adjective.
Description- This is when someone is emotionally involved or attentive to a moment.
Sentence- The obsequious moment for the couple marked the start of their lives together.
Related Words : Synonyms- Flattering, fawning and submissive.

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