Thursday, January 10, 2008

Emily's Vocab

1) Nascent (adjective)
Description: beginning to exist or develop
Related Words: beginning (s), blossoming (s), bursting (s)
Sentence: The baby was nascent inside of her.
2) Verisimilitude (noun)
Description: the appearance of truth
Related Words: authenticity (s), credibility (s), genuineness (s)
Sentence: The parents questioned the verisimilitude of their child's story.
3) Deleterious (adjective)
Description: injurious to health
Related Words: harmful (s), damaging (s), destructive (s)
Sentence: Hockey is a deleterious sport, often athletes get injured.
4) Vitriolic (adjective)
Description: very caustic, scathing
Related Words: bitter (s), harsh (s), mild (a)
Sentence: The teacher's behavior speech was vitriolic after the class misbehaved for the substitute.
5) Obsequious (adjective)
Description: obedient
Related Words: compliable (s), flattering (s), respectful (s)
Sentence: The dog was very obsequious to his owner.

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