Tuesday, January 8, 2008

megan's vocab

1) nascent- to come into existence, begin to exist or develop.
*Part of speech: adjective
*Related words: growing (s), emerging (s), dying (a)
*The nascent fetus began to grow in the uterus of the young teenage woman, Juno.

2) verisimilitude- the appearance of being real or true.
*Part of speech: noun
*Related words: truth (s), decieving (a), falseness (a)
*The verisimilitude of the mother during trial was very believable.

3) deleterious- is having a harmful or damaging effect on somebody or something.
*Part of speech:adjective
*Related words: lethal (s), deadly (s), poisonous (s)
*There had been a very deleterious chemical released into the atmosphere endangering many animals.

4) vitriolic- is to fill something with extreme bitterness and hatred toward somebody or something.
*Part of speech: adjective
*Related words:spiteful (s), malicious (s), hurtful (s)
*The detained suspect kept telling very vitriolic stories about the innocent teenaged rape victim.

5) obsequious- is to be excessively eager to please or obey others.
*Part of speech: adjective
*Related words: flattering (s), fawning (s), assertive (a)
* the teacher's pet was such an annoying and obsequious girl.

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