Thursday, January 10, 2008

Leslie's vocab

Description: Beginning to exist or develop
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Fresh (s), Young (s), Flowering (s)
Sentence: The seed of a flower is nascent in the dirt before it sprouts.

Description: Likelihood or possibility
P.O.S: Noun
Related words: Similarity (s), Realism (s), Plausibility (S)
Sentence: The movie lacked verisimilitude.

Description: Injurious or harmful
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Bad (s), Damaging (s), Ruining (s)
Sentence: Drinking and driving is deleterious to you and others driving around you.

Description: Harsh, bitter, scornful
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Biting (s), Nasty (s), Sharp (s)
Sentence: My sister is very vitriolic toward me and I can not stand it!

Description: Obedient or dutiful
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Flattering (s), Cringing (s), Sniveling (s)
Sentence: I am very obsequious and I always do what my mom tells me to do!

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