Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dan O.'s Vocab

Nascent - beginning to develop
POS - adjective
Related Words - blossoming, sprouting, growing (synonyms)
Sentence - Some nascent animals develop inside of eggs.
Picture - http://www.patch.com/first_egg_480x360.jpg

Verisimilitude - something that appears to be true
POS - noun
Related Words - genuine, truth, facts (synonyms)
Sentence - Al Gore has been working hard to show that global warming is a verisimilitude.
Picture - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eat-the-press/An%20Inconvenient%20Truth%20for%20Kidz-thumb.JPG

Deleterious - harmful
POS - adjective
Related Words - bad, damaging, injurious (synonyms)
Sentence - The man's rash appeared to be very deleterious.
Picture - http://www.nancarrow-webdesk.com/warehouse/storage2/2007-w46/img.74385_t.jpg

Vitriolic - scathing
POS - adjective
Related Words - harsh, hurtful, offensive (synonyms)
Sentence - Donald Trump and Rosie had a very vitriolic argument across television.
Picture - http://www.watchthistrailer.com/thumbs/donald-trump-vs-rosie-odonell.jpg

Obsequious - fawning
POS - adjective
Related Words - flattering, groveling, bootlicking (synonyms)
Sentence - George is acting obsequious towards the new girl in class.
Picture - http://www.racerxwear.ca/images/pinkwhite_rxc_girl.jpg

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