Thursday, January 10, 2008

Taylor's Vocab.

Nascent- Beginning to exist.
POS- Adjective
Related Words-Flowering (S), Fresh (S), Young (S).
Sentence- The nascent horse was establishing his place in the herd.

Verisimilitude- Having a appearance of truth or realness.
POS- Noun
Related Words- Falseness (A), Impossibility (A), Color (S).
Sentence- The horse had the versimilitude that he did not kick his rider.

Deleterious- A damaging effect.
POS- Adjective
Related Words- Helpful (A), Destructive (S), Damaging (S).
Sentence- The horses grazing in the same pasture all summer has a deleterious effect on the soil.

Vitriolic- Harsh or almost harmful criticism.
POS- Adjective
Related Words- Sweet (A), Sharp (S), Sarcastic (S).
Sentence- The horse trainer was vitriolic with how the horse looked.

Obsequious- Having a want or need to please.
POS- Adjective
Related Words- Respectful (S), Slavish (S), Bootlicking (S).
Sentence- My horse he is obsequious to everything I ask of him.

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