Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brittany D's Vocab

Description: beginning to exist
POS: Adj
Synonyms: blossoming, promising, growing
Sentence: When the USA was first being "formed" it was a nascent country.
Picture: separate

Description: the likeliness that someone or something is truthful
POS: Noun
Synonyms: credibility, plausibility, realism
Sentence: When voting for a president, it can sometimes be hard to know the verisimilitude behind their words.
Picture: Separate

Description: harmful to your health
POS: Adj
Synonyms: damaging, hurtful, destroying
Sentence: Jumping off a bridge with a bungee cord could be deleterious to your health.
Picture: Separate

Description: a harmful tone in a voice
POS: Noun
Synonyms: disdain, hostility, nastiness
Sentence: If you use a vitriolic tone with a child, they will probably cry.
Picture: Separate

Description: someone who is eager to please others
POS: Adj
Synonyms: brown-nosing, compilable, flattering
Sentence: The best kind of servant is one who is obsequious.

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