Thursday, January 10, 2008

Rachel's Vocab


Definition: Beginning of life
Part of speech: Adj.
Related words: S- birth, new, emerging
Sentence: We were so excited about the nascent timing of the actor's career.


Definition: The appearance of being truthful
Part of speech: Noun
Related Words: S- truth, authentic, real
Sentence: Antique dealers rely on the verisimilitude of their wares.


Definition: Bad, cruel, or harmful
Part of speech: Adj.

Related Words: S- bad, damaging, destructive
Sentence: A bad friend may have deleterious effect on a kid.


Definition: Hateful or cutting in tone
Part of speech: Adj.
Related Words: S- mean, bitter, cruel
Sentence: The vitriolic tone in the old man's voice made his wife cry.


Definition: To fawn over or please others
Part of speech: Adj.
Related Words: S- brown-nosing, flattering, groveling
Sentence: The employee was acting very obsequious towards his boss.

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