Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Colin Richards Vocab

Description: beginning to develop or exist.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Related Words: Beginning (Synonyms), Developing (Synonyms), Ending (Antonym)
Sentence: the nascent butterfly rested in its cocoon.
Picture: http://tdserver1.fnal.gov/peterson/tom/Moths/Saturniidae/Saturniidae-Images/PrometheaCocoon.jpg


Description: The appearance of truth
Part of Speech: Noun
Related Words: Credibility (Synonyms), Honesty (Synonyms), Authenticity (Synonyms)
Sentence: The politicians all seemed to missing verisimilitude.
Picture: http://www.newslose.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/hillary_clinton.jpg

Description: Harmful
Part of Speech: Adjective
Related Words: Damaging (Synonyms), Destructive (Synonyms), Destroying (Synonyms)
Sentence: Motorcycles can be very deleterious to your health.
Picture: http://www.bikernewsonline.com/uploaded_images/motorcycle-crash-740712.jpg

Description: very caustic, scathing, harsh
Part of Speech: Adjective
Related Words: Acid (Synonyms), Bitter (Synonyms), Stinging (Synonyms)
Sentence: The hobo’s vitriolic appearance deeply effected the fashion designer.
Picture: http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/artists/Norman%20Rockwell1/Hobo%20and%20Dog.jpg

Description: obedient, complacent
Part of Speech: Adjective
Related Words: Abject (Synonyms), compliant (Synonyms), Respective (Synonyms)
Sentence: The obsequious soldier did the least amount of push-ups of the platoon. Picture: http://www.geardiary.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/simpsons_15.jpg

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