Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gabrielle Whip's Vocabulary

Nascent-Beginning to develop. POS- Adjective Related words (s)- blossom, begin, develop. Sentence- The nascent child was flourishing into a strong adolecent .Picture:

Verisimilitude-To appear to be true. POS- Noun. Related words (s)- credibility, resemblance, likeliness. Semtence- The mother questioned her the verisimilitude if her teenagers story .Picture:

Deleterious-Harmful. POS- Adjective Related words (s)- destructive, harmful, ruinous. The deleterious building was destroyed before anyone was seriously injured. Picture:

Vitriolic-scathing Pos- Adjective related words (S)- biting, caustic, cutting. The vitriolic gossiper made Lisa cry. Picture:

Obsequious- Obedient and dutiful. POS- Adjective. Related words (S)- compliant, obediant, sycophantic. The obsequious child respected her parents and came home from her date by 10pm .Picture:

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